Cyanotype Details

  • Cyanotype is a photographic printing process that produces distinctive blue-toned images. The process involves coating a surface with a mixture of photosensitive chemicals. When this coated surface is exposed to the sun, a chemical reaction occurs burning your design in a vivid blue colour.

  • You’ll create one print on paper and another on a tote bag. Your creative spirits will be fueled with unlimited sips of wine throughout the experience.

    We have lots of pressed foliage, film negatives, and found objects for you to assemble a beautiful and unique print with.

    You’re more than welcome to bring personal items that hold significance for you. Whether it's a piece of crochet, a cherished piece of jewelry, or any other flat keepsake, these treasures will become part of your artwork, adding a sentimental touch to your prints.

  • Whether it’s for a birthday, holiday, or just a Wednesday, our private parties are the perfect opportunity to celebrate with your friends in a private setting with your own artist to lead the way!

    We offer discounts for groups of 5 or more.

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